Hemorrhoids – Pregnancy


Hemorrhoids – Pregnancy and causes?

Statistically 85% of all pregnant women can get hemorrhoids and usually during the last 6 months of their pregnancy. Mainly because of your growing uterus and increased pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvic area that causing the blood vessels swollen. Constipation is another common problem during the pregnancy because you tend to strain and that leads to having a difficult bowel movement which in turn contributes to formation of hemorrhoids. Straining to push the baby out can make hemorrhoids even worse. In principal – during pregnancy, progesterone relaxes the walls of your veins, allowing them to swell more easily. Progesterone also contributes to constipation by slowing down your intestinal tract.


Can medications be used during the pregnancy?

According to specialists the answer is NO! Most of the OTC available medication, creams and ointments are designed as a temporary treatment of the skin and do not get to the core of the problem. Another problem with OTC products and preparations – they contain: cortisone, hormones and pain killers and that creates always the possibility of side effects and allergic reactions and especially during pregnancy where these types of remedies should be avoided especially during pregnancy. Respectively it points to Anurex therapy where there are no steroids ointments or any drugs are used therefore its save


Use of Medications during pregnancy

In General there are no save over the counter available medications that can be used during the pregnancy. Few that are allowed or recommended to use during your pregnancy may cause undesirable discomfort or side effects like Headache, Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting and other unexpected conditions. You should think twice before using this medications and always sick professional advice before making any rapid decision.


Alternatives to help and bring comfort to those sufferers during pregnancy

As already mentioned Anurex is the ultimate save and effective hemorrhoid treatment during the pregnancy because it is a natural treatment of applying controlled cold directly to the problem to bring rapid relief from pain , bleeding and other discomforts caused by hemorrhoids. NO DRUGS OR OINTMENTS!


Other comfort measures:

You may need a day or more of bed rest to take pressure off inflamed, irritated veins. If you are 3 to 6 months pregnant, you may find it helpful to lie on your side. If you are not pregnant, sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under your hips will help decrease swelling of hemorrhoids. Try not to sit or stand for a long time when hemorrhoids are irritated. If you must sit for a long time, sit on a pillow. Avoid lifting heavy objects. Wear cotton underwear to prevent moisture buildup, which can irritate hemorrhoids. Wear loose clothing to allow freedom of movement and to reduce pressure on the anal area.


Anurex- save, hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy

In the final stages of pregnancy and as a result of parturition, severe swelling and pain usually is present in the perianal tissue. Anurex has shown (during clinical studies) to be extremely effective in providing rapid relief from such symptoms as pain swelling and hemorrhage. Anurex in the most cases causes the rapid detumescence in the anal region which removes discomfort. The alleviation of subjective discomfort, especially swelling of the mucosa and the anti-inflammatory effect of Anurex treatment facilitates further treatment if necessary. Finally Anurex is absolutely save to use during the pregnancy because of its natural – drug-free treatment. Use of Anurex during pregnancy is absolutely save and will not cause any side effects or allergic reactions in contrary to over the counter drugs, steroids creams or ointments that are based on ingredients that most of the time cause side effects and allergies. Anurex is the safest and most effective treatment to use during the pregnancy! However it is always recommended to get advice from the licensed specialist.


the only clinically proven natural treatment for internal – external hemorrhoids to rapidly eliminate pain, itching, burning, bleeding and other related hemorrhoid discomforts. When used as directed, Anurex will facilitate the healing process therefore, may eliminate need for painful surgery. Since anurex is drug free home self-treatment anybody can use it including pregnant woman and without of any fear of side effects or allergic reactions.


“You have nothing to lose, but your pain and suffering”


DISCLAIMERall statements herein were made and assigned only and specifically referring to ANUREX therapy and according to performed Clinical Study’s, Doctor Opinions and user testimonials! It is always recommended to diagnose the problem first by your specialist and follow his advice!